Job-rich growth essential for G20 recovery, say OECD and ILO

OECD and ILO heads call upon the Ministers of Labour and Employment of the G20 countries to put a greater, renewed emphasis on employment policies to help economies accelerate and sustain the recovery, …

OECD and ILO heads call upon the Ministers of Labour and Employment of the G20 countries to put a greater, renewed emphasis on employment policies to help economies accelerate and sustain the recovery, …

G20 Labour Ministers must focus on young jobseekers

Young people continue to bear the brunt of the jobs crisis, with nearly 11 million 15 to 24 -year-olds out of work in OECD countries in early 2012. Youth unemployment in the OECD area in March 2012 was 17.1%, close to its November 2009 peak of 18.3%

Young people continue to bear the brunt of the jobs crisis, with nearly 11 million 15 to 24 -year-olds out of work in OECD countries in early 2012. Youth unemployment in the OECD area in March 2012 was 17.1%, close to its November 2009 peak of 18.3%

OECD Territorial Reviews: Chihuahua, Mexico

This book examines the gains that might be made by a territorial approach to policymaking that integrates sectoral policies, fosters value-added in rural activities, and links SME-development and FDI-attraction policies as well as innovation capacities…

This book examines the gains that might be made by a territorial approach to policymaking that integrates sectoral policies, fosters value-added in rural activities, and links SME-development and FDI-attraction policies as well as innovation capacities and applications.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Chihuahua, Mexico

This book examines the gains that might be made by a territorial approach to policymaking that integrates sectoral policies, fosters value-added in rural activities, and links SME-development and FDI-attraction policies as well as innovation capacities…

This book examines the gains that might be made by a territorial approach to policymaking that integrates sectoral policies, fosters value-added in rural activities, and links SME-development and FDI-attraction policies as well as innovation capacities and applications.

New ICT Solutions for Public Sector Agility

The OECD and the Mexican Public Administration Ministry are holding a high level meeting on “New ICT solutions for public sector agility” in Mexico City.

The OECD and the Mexican Public Administration Ministry are holding a high level meeting on “New ICT solutions for public sector agility” in Mexico City.

Eli Goldrat

The Six Steps to Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Monday, August 15, 2011


se puede pensar en el “mapa de ruta” para lograr “grandes” avances….

1.  Identify a “giant”, not a “chupchick”.  Intuition will guide you – important enough subject for you.

2.  Identify the enormity of the area not addressed by the giant.  Reality gives the signals that so much more can be done.  You are aiming for a broader, not a more confined, area than what was addressed by the giant.

3.  Get on the giant’s shoulders.  Gain the historical perspective – understand the giant’s solution better than he did.

4.  Identify the conceptual difference between the reality that was improved so dramatically by the giant and the area untouched.

5.  Identify the wrong assumption.

6.  Conduct the full analysis to determine the core problem, solution, etc.

¿por qué tu empresa no genera más ventas?

Si yo te preguntará, ¿por qué tu empresa no genera más ventas? ¿cuál sería tu respuesta?


Después de entrevistarme con más 500 empresas en México y hacerles la pregunta ¿tu empresa por qué no genera más ventas? las respuestas fueron las siguientes:

1. Por falta de Cierres: 37%
2. Por situaciones externas: 19%
3. Por la competencia: 16%
4. Por falta de publicidad: 14%
5. No sabe: 8%
6. Otros: 6%

Después de revisar y analizar su estrategia comercial el resultado fue CONTUNDENTE:
El 97% de estas empresas NO TIENE UNA ESTRATEGIA COMERCIAL, NO TIENE UN SISTEMA DE VENTAS, dependen del talento de los vendedores y de que la suerte esté de su lado.

Una empresa de lubricación, aquí en Monterrey, tenia 3 vendedores, uno de ellos era una estrella, significaba el 70% de las ventas de la compañía, el resto lo hacían los otros 2 vendedores.  Al preguntarles cuál era su factor de conversión (A cuantos de cada 10 son capaces de venderles) la respuesta del vendedor estrella y del dueño fue de que, al menos ellos, un 60% y que el resto de los vendedores un 30%.

Aquí hice la pregunta obligada, ¿este dado es estimado o medido? y otra vez, cómo el 94% de las empresas investigadas, su respuesta fue: ESTIMADO.

Después de 3 meses de entrenamiento y desarrollo de procesos y la máquina de ventas el resultado fue CONTUNDENTE: Al arrancar, la conversión del vendedor estrella era de 22.5% promedio, la del resto de los vendedores era del 8%, después del desarrollo e implementación la conversión del vendedor estrella siguió igual ya que no quiso alinearse con la compañía. La conversión de los otros 2 subió a 73%. Las ventas se multiplicaron, la empresa tenía un mejor control comercial, y lamentablemente el vendedor estrella decidió renunciar a la empresa.

Telecoms reform would boost competition and growth in Mexico, says OECD

Mexico should quickly reform the laws and regulations governing its telecommunications sector to boost competition and investment and drive growth across the economy, according to a new OECD report.

Mexico should quickly reform the laws and regulations governing its telecommunications sector to boost competition and investment and drive growth across the economy, according to a new OECD report.