Ubuntu lamp

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start. This is to help people setup and install a LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) server in Ubuntu, including Apache 2, PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 or 5.0. To install […]

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start.

This is to help people setup and install a LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) server in Ubuntu, including Apache 2, PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 or 5.0.

To install the default LAMP stack in Ubuntu 10.04 and above

First install tasksel…


$ sudo apt-get install tasksel

… and then the LAMP stack:


$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server

See Tasksel – be warned, only use tasksel to install tasks, not to remove them – see https://launchpad.net/bugs/574287
You can leave your system in an unusable state.

Starting over: How to remove the LAMP stack

To remove the LAMP stack remove the following packages:

  • Note: This assumes you have no other programs that require any of these packages. You might wish to simulate this removal first, and only remove the packages that don’t cause removal of something desired.


apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libpq5 mysql-client-5.5 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.5 php5-common php5-mysql

To also remove the debconf data, use the purge option when removing. To get rid of any configurations you may have made to apache, manually remove the /etc/apache2 directory once the packages have been removed.

You may also want to purge these packages:

mysql-client-core-5.5 mysql-server-core-5.5


Installing Apache 2

To only install the apache2 webserver, use any method to install:



It requires a restart for it to work:


$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart



$ sudo service apache2 restart


Checking Apache 2 installation

With your web browser, go to the URI http://localhost : if you read “It works!”, which is the content of the file /var/www/index.html , this proves Apache works.


Troubleshooting Apache

If you get this error:

apache2: Could not determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

then use a text editor such as “sudo nano” at the command line or “gksudo gedit” on the desktop to create a new file,

$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/fqdn


$ gksu "gedit /etc/apache2/conf.d/fqdn"

then add

ServerName localhost

to the file and save. This can all be done in a single command with the following:

$ echo "ServerName localhost" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf.d/fqdn


Virtual Hosts

Apache2 has the concept of sites, which are separate configuration files that Apache2 will read. These are available in /etc/apache2/sites-available. By default, there is one site available called default this is what you will see when you browse to http://localhost or You can have many different site configurations available, and activate only those that you need.

As an example, we want the default site to be /home/user/public_html/. To do this, we must create a new site and then enable it in Apache2.

To create a new site:

  • Copy the default website as a starting point. sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite 
  • Edit the new configuration file in a text editor “sudo nano” on the command line or “gksudo gedit”, for example: gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite
  • Change the DocumentRoot to point to the new location. For example, /home/user/public_html/
  • Change the Directory directive, replace <Directory /var/www/> to <Directory /home/user/public_html/>
  • You can also set separate logs for each site. To do this, change the ErrorLog and CustomLog directives. This is optional, but handy if you have many sites
  • Save the file

Now, we must deactivate the old site, and activate our new one. Ubuntu provides two small utilities that take care of this: a2ensite (apache2enable site) and a2dissite (apache2disable site).


$ sudo a2dissite default && sudo a2ensite mysite

Finally, we restart Apache2:


$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

If you have not created /home/user/public_html/, you will receive an warning message

To test the new site, create a file in /home/user/public_html/:


$ echo '<b>Hello! It is working!</b>' > /home/user/public_html/index.html

Finally, browse to http://localhost/


Installing PHP 5

To only install PHP5. use any method to install the package



Enable this module by doing

$ sudo a2enmod php5

which creates a symbolic link /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5 pointing to /etc/apache2/mods-availble/php5 .

Except if you use deprecated PHP code beginning only by “<?” instead of “<?php” (which is highly inadvisable), open, as root, the file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini , look for the line “short_open_tag = On”, change it to “short_open_tag = Off” (not including the quotation marks) and add a line of comment (beginning by a semi-colon) giving the reason, the author and the date of this change. This way, if you later want some XML or XHTML file to be served as PHP, the “<?xml” tag will be ignored by PHP instead of being seen as a PHP code mistake.

Relaunch Apache 2 again:


$ sudo service apache2 restart


Checking PHP 5 installation

In /var/www , create a text file called “test.php”, grant the world (or, at least, Ubuntu user “apache”) permission to read it, write in it the only line: “<?php phpinfo(); ?>” (without the quotation marks) then, with your web browser, go to the URI “http://localhost/test.php“: if you can see a description of PHP5 configuration, it proves PHP 5 works with Apache.


Troubleshooting PHP 5

Does your browser ask if you want to download the php file instead of displaying it? If Apache is not actually parsing the php after you restarted it, install libapache2-mod-php5. It is installed when you install the php5 package, but may have been removed inadvertently by packages which need to run a different version of php.

If sudo a2enmod php5 returns “$ This module does not exist!”, you should purge (not just remove) the libapache2-mod-php5 package and reinstall it.

Be sure to clear your browser’s cache before testing your site again. To do this in Firefox 4: Edit → Preferences … Privacy → History: clear your recent history → Details : choose “Everything” in “Time range to clean” and check only “cache”, then click on “Clear now”.

Remember that, for Apache to be called, the URI in your web browser must begin with “http://“. If it begins with “file://“, then the file is read directly by the browser, without Apache, so you get (X)HTML and CSS, but no PHP. If you didn’t configure any host alias or virtual host, then a local URI begins with “http://localhost“, “” or http://” followed by your IP number.

If the problem persists, check your PHP file authorisations (it should be readable at least by Ubuntu user “apache”), and check if the PHP code is correct. For instance, copy your PHP file, replace your whole PHP file content by “<?php phpinfo(); ?>” (without the quotation marks): if you get the PHP test page in your web browser, then the problem is in your PHP code, not in Apache or PHP configuration nor in file permissions. If this doesn’t work, then it is a problem of file authorisation, Apache or PHP configuration, cache not emptied, or Apache not running or not restarted. Use the display of that test file in your web browser to see the list of files influencing PHP behaviour.


php.ini development vs. production

After standard installation, php configuration file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini is set so as “production settings” which means, among others, that no error messages are displayed. So if you e.g. make a syntax error in your php source file, apache server would return HTTP 500 error instead of displaying the php syntax error debug message.

If you want to debug your scripts, it might be better to use the “development” settings. Both development and production settings ini’s are located in /usr/share/php5/



so you can compare them and see the exact differences.

To make the “development” settings active, just backup your original php.ini

sudo mv /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini.bak

and create a symlink to your desired settings:

sudo cp -s /usr/share/doc/php5-common/examples/php.ini-development /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

or you may of course also edit the /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini directly on your own, if you wish.


PHP in user directories

According to this blog, newer versions of Ubuntu do not have PHP enabled by default for user directories (your public_html folder). See the blog for instructions on how to change this back.


Installing MYSQL with PHP 5

Use any method to install


mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql


After installing PHP

You may need to increase the memory limit that PHP imposes on a script. Edit the /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file and increase the memory_limit value.


After installing MySQL


Set mysql bind address

Before you can access the database from other computers in your network, you have to change its bind address. Note that this can be a security problem, because your database can be accessed by other computers than your own. Skip this step if the applications which require mysql are running on the same machine.


$ sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

and change the line:

bind-address           = localhost

to your own internal ip address e.g.

bind-address           =

If your ip address is dynamic you can also comment out the bind-address line and it will default to your current ip.

If you try to connect without changing the bind-address you will recieve a “Can not connect to mysql error 10061″.


Set mysql root password

Before accessing the database by console you need to type:

$ mysql -u root

At the mysql console type:

$ mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('yourpassword');

A successful mysql command will show:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Mysql commands can span several lines. Do not forget to end your mysql command with a semicolon.

Note: If you have already set a password for the mysql root, you will need to use:

$ mysql -u root -p

(Did you forget the mysql-root password? See MysqlPasswordReset.)


Create a mysql database


$ mysql> CREATE DATABASE database1;


Create a mysql user

For creating a new user with all privileges (use only for troubleshooting), at mysql prompt type:

$ mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;

For creating a new user with fewer privileges (should work for most web applications) which can only use the database named “database1″, at mysql prompt type:


yourusername and yourpassword can be anything you like. database1 is the name of the database the user gets access to. localhost is the location which gets access to your database. You can change it to ‘%’ (or to hostnames or ip addresses) to allow connections from every location (or only from specific locations) to the database. Note, that this can be a security problem and should only be used for testing purposes!

To exit the mysql prompt type:

$ mysql> q

Since the mysql root password is now set, if you need to use mysql again (as the mysql root), you will need to use:

$ mysql -u root -p

and then enter the password at the prompt.



Please, let’s say something in which directories mysql stores the database information and how to configure a backup



There is more than just one way to set the mysql root password and create a database. For example mysqladmin can be used:


$ mysqladmin -u root -p password yourpassword



$ mysqladmin -u root -p create database1

mysqladmin is a command-line tool provided by the default LAMP install.


Phpmyadmin and mysql-workbench

All mysql tasks including setting the root password and creating databases can be done via a graphical interface using phpmyadmin or mysql-workbench.

To install one or both of them, first enable the universe repository

Use any method to install




Troubleshooting Phpmyadmin & mysql-workbench

If you get blowfish_secret error: Choose and set a phrase for cryptography in the file /etc/phpmyadmin/blowfish_secret.inc.php and copy the line (not the php tags) into the file /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php or you will receive an error.

If you get a 404 error upon visiting http://localhost/phpmyadmin: You will need to configure apache2.conf to work with Phpmyadmin.


$ gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Include the following line at the bottom of the file, save and quit.


$ Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf


Alternative: install phpMyAdmin from source

See the phpMyAdmin page for instructions on how to install phpmyadmin from source:



Mysql-workbench runs locally, on the desktop. Use any method to install




For more information

2.9.3. Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts from the MySQL Reference Manual is worth reading.


Edit Apache Configuration

You may want your current user to be the PHP pages administrator. To do so, edit the Apache configuration file :

$ gksudo "gedit /etc/apache2/envvars"

Search both the strings starting by “APACHE_RUN_USER” and “APACHE_RUN_GROUP”, and change the names to the current username and groupname you are using. Then you’ll need to restart Apache. (look at the next chapter concerning apache commands)

Configuration options relating specifically to user websites (accessed through localhost/~username) are in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf.


Installing suPHP

suPHP is a tool for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners. It consists of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and a setuid root binary (suphp) that is called by the Apache module to change the uid of the process executing the PHP interpreter.

Note: suPHP enforces, security and helps avoid file permission problems under development environments with several users editing the site files, but it also demands more memory and CPU usage, which can degrade your server performance under certain circumstances.

To only install suPHP. use any method to install the package



Enable this module by doing


sudo a2enmod suphp

then use a text editor such as “sudo nano” at the command line or “gksudo gedit” on the desktop to edit this file


sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf



gksu "gedit /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf"

make a new empty line at the top of the content, then add


<Directory /usr/share>

make a new empty line at the bottom of the content, then add



save changes

For security reasons we need to specify to suPHP what are the document paths allowed to execute scripts, use a text editor such as “sudo nano” at the command line or “gksudo gedit” on the desktop to edit this file


sudo nano /etc/suphp/suphp.conf



gksu "gedit /etc/suphp/suphp.conf

find the value “docroot” and specify the document path of your site files, for example:



that value restrict script execution only to files inside “/var/www/”



that value restrict script execution only to files inside a custom home folder for each configured user inside “/var/www/:${HOME}/public_html”

for this tutorial we are going to use this value



which is the same Apache directory directive set before in this document

save changes

to restart Apache, type in your terminal


sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now lets create a test script to see if suPHP is working correctly, in your terminal type


echo "<?php echo 'whoim = '.exec('/usr/bin/whoami');?>" | tee /home/user/public_html/whomi.php

that command creates a quick php test file to display the current user executing the script

open your browser and navigate to “localhost/whomi.php”, most likely the browser will show you a “500″ server error, this is because suPHP does not allow too permissive file and folder permissions and also does not allow mixed file and folder ownership, to correct this type in your terminal


sudo find /home/user/public_html/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;
sudo find /home/user/public_html/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
sudo chown user:group -R /home/user/public_html/

those commands enforce a secure and correct file and folder permission and also set a correct user and group ownership for all of them

Now open your browser and navigate to “localhost/whomi.php”, if everything went fine you should see the name of the file owner executing the script and not “www-data” unless you specified so


Run, Stop, Test, And Restart Apache

Use the following command to run Apache :

$ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl start

To stop it, use :

$ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl stop

To test configuration changes, use :

$ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl configtest

Finally, to restart it, run :

$ sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl restart

Alternatively, you can use a graphical interface by installing Rapache or the simpler localhost-indicator.

Using Apache

You can access apache by typing or http://localhost (by default it will be listening on port 80) in your browser address bar. By default the directory for apache server pages is /var/www . It needs root access in order to put files in. A way to do it is just starting the file browser as root in a terminal:

$ gksudo nautilus


if you want to make /var/www your own. (Use only for non-production web servers – this is not the most secure way to do things.)

$ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www



To check the status of your PHP installation:

 $ gksudo "gedit /var/www/testphp.php"

and insert the following line

 <?php phpinfo(); ?>

View this page on a web browser at http://yourserveripaddress/testphp.php or http://localhost/testphp.php


Securing Apache

If you just want to run your Apache install as a development server and want to prevent it from listening for incoming connection attempts, this is easy to do.

$ gksudo "gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf"
$ password:

Change ports.conf so that it contains:


Save this file, and restart Apache (see above). Now Apache will serve only to your home domain, or http://localhost.


Password-Protect a Directory

There are 2 ways to password-protect a specific directory. The recommended way involves editing  /etc/apache2/apache2.conf . (To do this, you need root access). The other way involves editing a .htaccess file in the directory to be protected. (To do this, you need access to that directory).


Password-Protect a Directory With .htaccess

See EnablingUseOfApacheHtaccessFiles

Warning: On at least some versions of Ubuntu, .htaccess files will not work by default. See EnablingUseOfApacheHtaccessFiles for help on enabling them.



If you direct your web browser to a directory (rather than a specific file), and there is no “index.html” file in that directory, Apache will generate an index file on-the-fly listing all the files and folders in that directory. Each folder has a little icon of a folder next to it.

To put a thumbnail of that specific image (rather than the generic “image icon”) next to each image file (.jpg, .png, etc.):

… todo: add instructions on how to do thumbnails here, perhaps using Apache::AutoIndex 0.08 or Apache::Album 0.95


Known problems


Skype incompatibility

Skype uses port 80 for incoming calls, and thus, may block Apache. The solution is to change the port in one of the applications. Usually, port 81 is free and works fine. To change the port number in Skype go to menu Tools > Options, then click on the Advanced tab, then in the box of the port for incoming calls write your preference.


Other Apache Options


Further Information

Software, sector con gran potencial

Monetizar proyectos y desarrollar soluciones integrales, los retos

Aplicaciones móviles, soluciones empresariales, videojuegos y programas que responden a las necesidades de cada profesión integran el universo del software, una industria que en el 2012 alcanzó en México un valor de 2,300 millones de dólares, 11% más que en el 2011, y que se espera que en el 2013 se convierta en una oportunidad de mercado para jóvenes emprendedores al tener un crecimiento de 10%, de acuerdo con César Longa, gerente del Programa de Software de IDC Latinoamérica.

El analista detalló que los principales crecimientos el año pasado se dieron en el área de desarrollo de aplicaciones para la cadena de suministro y relación con el cliente al registrar 27 y 11%, respectivamente. Estos aplicativos repercutieron en la generación de versiones de software para dispositivos móviles.

En este contexto, Iván Zavala, coordinador de Tecnologías de la Información de la Fundación México-Estados Unidos para la Ciencia (Fumec), comenta que en los últimos años México se ha colocado como uno de los países líderes en materia de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) y, específicamente en software: “El objetivo es convertirnos en una nación exportadora de soluciones tecnológicas, alcanzando ventas por 10,000 millones de dólares anuales”.

Y aunque este propósito no se ha alcanzado, Zavala afirma que el desarrollo de software mexicano va por buen camino y en el proceso de alcanzar esa cifra; el papel de los emprendedores será estratégico, por lo que el gobierno y las instituciones encargadas del desarrollo del sector enfrentan el reto de brindar apoyo tanto a las empresas ya existentes como a los emprendedores interesados en arrancar nuevas unidades económicas que puedan competir en el negocio del software.

“No sólo es volumen, se trata de tener empresas de calidad, la pregunta es ¿cómo nos aseguramos de que las empresas que nacen tengan una oferta competitiva a nivel internacional? Sólo es posible con innovación y ofertas sólidas de negocio”, aseguró Iván Zavala.

Carecen de educación comercial

Si bien la generación de soluciones innovadoras es la tarea principal de los emprendedores del ramo, resulta necesario que fortalezcan sus habilidades en el área comercial: deben desarrollar una visión correcta del mercado a través de análisis, definir el nicho en que se quieren desarrollar, capacitarse para ser los vendedores de su solución y aprender a monetizar sus desarrollos.

De acuerdo con Ricardo Medina, gerente de Vinculación de Microsoft en México, otro desafío importante en el sentido comercial es que los emprendedores piensen en escalar sus soluciones para la venta masiva, pues al inicio tienen ventas pequeñas pero estables y el negocio avanza sin sobresaltos, no obstante, cuando su demanda empieza a aumentar, la empresa no cuenta con los recursos, ni la visión para incrementar su producción de forma segura.

El experto refirió también la necesidad de crear cadenas virtuales de comercialización, en las que el emprendedor se acerque a los gobiernos locales, universidades o representantes de otras industrias para conocer sus demandas y crear soluciones a medida, de forma que antes de tener la solución desarrollada ya tengan comprador.

Movilidad, la punta de lanza

Una de las tendencias más importantes en la industria del software es la movilidad, área en la que Iván Zavala, de Fumec, hizo la aclaración: “No sólo se trata de aplicaciones móviles, tiene que ver con soluciones para realizar actividades fuera de la oficina, sistemas de colaboración remota, para administración de empresas, monitoreo de información y otras acciones productivas.

En este campo, la apuesta de los emprendedores debe ser el desarrollo de soluciones integrales y colaborativas”. A esta opinión se suma la del experto de Microsoft, Ricardo Medina, quien propone a los emprendedores el modelo de App en Brick, que consiste en desarrollar aplicaciones siempre ligadas a negocios físicos, como un complemento a empresas de otras industrias como la restaurantera, turística, etcétera.

“El gran reto en movilidad es la monetización de las aplicaciones, pues el costo de venta, por ejemplo, en aplicaciones móviles es muy bajo y como único ingreso de una compañía no es suficiente, abre la puerta a que se repita el fenómeno de la explosión de la burbuja de Internet cuando las compañías quebraron por no saber cómo hacer rentable su oferta”, explica Ricardo Medina.



Marisela Delgado

Monetizar proyectos y desarrollar soluciones integrales, los retos

Aplicaciones móviles, soluciones empresariales, videojuegos y programas que responden a las necesidades de cada profesión integran el universo del software, una industria que en el 2012 alcanzó en México un valor de 2,300 millones de dólares, 11% más que en el 2011, y que se espera que en el 2013 se convierta en una oportunidad de mercado para jóvenes emprendedores al tener un crecimiento de 10%, de acuerdo con César Longa, gerente del Programa de Software de IDC Latinoamérica.

El analista detalló que los principales crecimientos el año pasado se dieron en el área de desarrollo de aplicaciones para la cadena de suministro y relación con el cliente al registrar 27 y 11%, respectivamente. Estos aplicativos repercutieron en la generación de versiones de software para dispositivos móviles.

En este contexto, Iván Zavala, coordinador de Tecnologías de la Información de la Fundación México-Estados Unidos para la Ciencia (Fumec), comenta que en los últimos años México se ha colocado como uno de los países líderes en materia de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) y, específicamente en software: “El objetivo es convertirnos en una nación exportadora de soluciones tecnológicas, alcanzando ventas por 10,000 millones de dólares anuales”.

Y aunque este propósito no se ha alcanzado, Zavala afirma que el desarrollo de software mexicano va por buen camino y en el proceso de alcanzar esa cifra; el papel de los emprendedores será estratégico, por lo que el gobierno y las instituciones encargadas del desarrollo del sector enfrentan el reto de brindar apoyo tanto a las empresas ya existentes como a los emprendedores interesados en arrancar nuevas unidades económicas que puedan competir en el negocio del software.

“No sólo es volumen, se trata de tener empresas de calidad, la pregunta es ¿cómo nos aseguramos de que las empresas que nacen tengan una oferta competitiva a nivel internacional? Sólo es posible con innovación y ofertas sólidas de negocio”, aseguró Iván Zavala.

Carecen de educación comercial

Si bien la generación de soluciones innovadoras es la tarea principal de los emprendedores del ramo, resulta necesario que fortalezcan sus habilidades en el área comercial: deben desarrollar una visión correcta del mercado a través de análisis, definir el nicho en que se quieren desarrollar, capacitarse para ser los vendedores de su solución y aprender a monetizar sus desarrollos.

De acuerdo con Ricardo Medina, gerente de Vinculación de Microsoft en México, otro desafío importante en el sentido comercial es que los emprendedores piensen en escalar sus soluciones para la venta masiva, pues al inicio tienen ventas pequeñas pero estables y el negocio avanza sin sobresaltos, no obstante, cuando su demanda empieza a aumentar, la empresa no cuenta con los recursos, ni la visión para incrementar su producción de forma segura.

El experto refirió también la necesidad de crear cadenas virtuales de comercialización, en las que el emprendedor se acerque a los gobiernos locales, universidades o representantes de otras industrias para conocer sus demandas y crear soluciones a medida, de forma que antes de tener la solución desarrollada ya tengan comprador.

Movilidad, la punta de lanza

Una de las tendencias más importantes en la industria del software es la movilidad, área en la que Iván Zavala, de Fumec, hizo la aclaración: “No sólo se trata de aplicaciones móviles, tiene que ver con soluciones para realizar actividades fuera de la oficina, sistemas de colaboración remota, para administración de empresas, monitoreo de información y otras acciones productivas.

En este campo, la apuesta de los emprendedores debe ser el desarrollo de soluciones integrales y colaborativas”. A esta opinión se suma la del experto de Microsoft, Ricardo Medina, quien propone a los emprendedores el modelo de App en Brick, que consiste en desarrollar aplicaciones siempre ligadas a negocios físicos, como un complemento a empresas de otras industrias como la restaurantera, turística, etcétera.

“El gran reto en movilidad es la monetización de las aplicaciones, pues el costo de venta, por ejemplo, en aplicaciones móviles es muy bajo y como único ingreso de una compañía no es suficiente, abre la puerta a que se repita el fenómeno de la explosión de la burbuja de Internet cuando las compañías quebraron por no saber cómo hacer rentable su oferta”, explica Ricardo Medina.



Marisela Delgado

Menos duplicidad en banca de desarrollo

Gobierno debe aprovechar su apalancamiento para aumentar créditos hacia las mipymes

El Gobierno federal anunció el martes una nueva meta del nivel de crédito para 2013 por parte de la banca de desarrollo, por un monto de un millón de millones de pesos.

Durante el evento “La Banca de Desarrollo: Avances y Perspectivas”, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto aseguró que a pesar de estar aún en revisión la reforma financiera, los objetivos planteados para este año deberán alcanzarse cabalmente, tal y como son: el no competir con la banca comercial y ampliar su cobertura para fomentar la inclusión financiera, poniendo al alcance de la mayor parte de la población el financiamiento que por medios tradicionales no pueden obtener.

En este segmento se encuentran las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (mipymes); los exportadores de baja escala, los agroindustriales y los productores agropecuarios, entre otros.

Sin embargo, pese a las buenas intenciones en el discurso es importante recordar que la banca de desarrollo tiene muchos más retos que los fijados por el gobierno federal.

Uno de estos desafíos es aprovechar la capacidad de apalancamiento que tiene la banca de desarrollo, sobre todo para favorecer a las empresas medianas que tienen la posibilidad de generar proyectos innovadores y mucho mejores empleos.

De igual forma, por años se ha observado la duplicidad de funciones y tipos de crédito o garantías en las distintas instituciones gubernamentales de este perfil; además de los altos costos de operación que se han visto administración tras administración.

Hoy, una serie de soluciones tecnológicas y una mejor capacitación, acabarían con las numerosas ventanillas, permitirían una operación eficiente y una reducción considerable de gastos operativos.

De la mano de lo anterior, también valdría la pena analizar producto por producto para hacer una oferta mucho más congruente, fácil de difundir y otorgar. Tener tan dispersa la ayuda o programas, encarece los apoyos y dificulta su obtención.

Habrá también que desregular y facilitar el acceso de estos recursos a los empresarios que verdaderamente no tienen otra opción, por no ser sujetos de crédito ante la banca comercial, sobre todo porque hemos visto en el pasado grandes intervenciones por parte del gobierno federal cuando se trata de corporativos o cadenas de autoservicio.

Mejores regiones

El crecimiento regional dependerá también mucho de qué tan buen papel realice en los próximos años la banca de desarrollo, sobre todo ahora que la Secretaría de Economía (SE), a través del Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (Inadem) está buscando detonar con mayor fuerza las vocaciones de cada estado o lugar.

Esto sólo se logrará con un enfoque integral y productos específicos por industrias, mismos que se deberán realizar en conjunto con los estados y municipios.

Entonces, cada banco de desarrollo deberá encontrar su vocación y hacia qué sectores dirigirse, fortaleciendo su capital, haciendo un uso eficiente de sus recursos presupuestales y generando economías de escala.

Esto, sin duda, se alcanzará si el gobierno también decide implantar al interior de su banca de desarrollo un gobierno corporativo que aumente la eficacia y eficiencia de estos organismos financieros, mejorando la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia.


Twitter: @chucastellanos


Carmen Castellanos

Gobierno debe aprovechar su apalancamiento para aumentar créditos hacia las mipymes

El Gobierno federal anunció el martes una nueva meta del nivel de crédito para 2013 por parte de la banca de desarrollo, por un monto de un millón de millones de pesos.

Durante el evento “La Banca de Desarrollo: Avances y Perspectivas”, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto aseguró que a pesar de estar aún en revisión la reforma financiera, los objetivos planteados para este año deberán alcanzarse cabalmente, tal y como son: el no competir con la banca comercial y ampliar su cobertura para fomentar la inclusión financiera, poniendo al alcance de la mayor parte de la población el financiamiento que por medios tradicionales no pueden obtener.

En este segmento se encuentran las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (mipymes); los exportadores de baja escala, los agroindustriales y los productores agropecuarios, entre otros.

Sin embargo, pese a las buenas intenciones en el discurso es importante recordar que la banca de desarrollo tiene muchos más retos que los fijados por el gobierno federal.

Uno de estos desafíos es aprovechar la capacidad de apalancamiento que tiene la banca de desarrollo, sobre todo para favorecer a las empresas medianas que tienen la posibilidad de generar proyectos innovadores y mucho mejores empleos.

De igual forma, por años se ha observado la duplicidad de funciones y tipos de crédito o garantías en las distintas instituciones gubernamentales de este perfil; además de los altos costos de operación que se han visto administración tras administración.

Hoy, una serie de soluciones tecnológicas y una mejor capacitación, acabarían con las numerosas ventanillas, permitirían una operación eficiente y una reducción considerable de gastos operativos.

De la mano de lo anterior, también valdría la pena analizar producto por producto para hacer una oferta mucho más congruente, fácil de difundir y otorgar. Tener tan dispersa la ayuda o programas, encarece los apoyos y dificulta su obtención.

Habrá también que desregular y facilitar el acceso de estos recursos a los empresarios que verdaderamente no tienen otra opción, por no ser sujetos de crédito ante la banca comercial, sobre todo porque hemos visto en el pasado grandes intervenciones por parte del gobierno federal cuando se trata de corporativos o cadenas de autoservicio.

Mejores regiones

El crecimiento regional dependerá también mucho de qué tan buen papel realice en los próximos años la banca de desarrollo, sobre todo ahora que la Secretaría de Economía (SE), a través del Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (Inadem) está buscando detonar con mayor fuerza las vocaciones de cada estado o lugar.

Esto sólo se logrará con un enfoque integral y productos específicos por industrias, mismos que se deberán realizar en conjunto con los estados y municipios.

Entonces, cada banco de desarrollo deberá encontrar su vocación y hacia qué sectores dirigirse, fortaleciendo su capital, haciendo un uso eficiente de sus recursos presupuestales y generando economías de escala.

Esto, sin duda, se alcanzará si el gobierno también decide implantar al interior de su banca de desarrollo un gobierno corporativo que aumente la eficacia y eficiencia de estos organismos financieros, mejorando la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia.


Twitter: @chucastellanos


Carmen Castellanos

Quick Response Code

QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan; a barcode is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item: The information encoded by a QR code […]

QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan; a barcode is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item: The information encoded by a QR code may be made up of four standardized types (“modes”) of data (numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary, Kanji) or, through supported extensions, virtually any type of data.[1]

The QR Code system has become popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. Applications include product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management, general marketing, and much more.[2]

A QR code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera) and processed using Reed-Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted; data is then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image.[2]

PHP QR Code is open source (LGPL) library for generating QR Code, 2-dimensional barcode. Based on libqrencode C library, provides API for creating QR Code barcode images (PNG, JPEG thanks to GD2). Implemented purely in PHP, with no external dependencies (except GD2 if needed).

Some of library features includes:

  • Supports QR Code versions (size) 1-40
  • Numeric, Alphanumeric, 8-bit and Kanji encoding. (Kanji encoding was not fully tested, if you are japan-encoding enabled you can contribute by verifing it :) )
  • Implemented purely in PHP, no external dependencies except GD2
  • Exports to PNG, JPEG images, also exports as bit-table
  • TCPDF 2-D barcode API integration
  • Easy to configure
  • Data cache for calculation speed-up
  • Provided merge tool helps deploy library as a one big dependency-less file, simple to “include and do not wory”
  • Debug data dump, error logging, time benchmarking
  • API documentation
  • Detailed examples
  • 100% Open Source, LGPL Licensed

The Eric Python IDE

Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays’ quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating […]

Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays’ quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder. eric4 includes a plugin system, which allows easy extension of the IDE functionality with plugins downloadable from the net.

Current stable versions are eric4 based on Qt4 and Python 2 and eric5 based on Python 3 and Qt4.


sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
install python3.2-dev (sudo apt-get install python3.2-dev)
Use Synaptic or Download it from here: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk
1) build/install qscintilla
2) build/install sip
3) build/install PyQt
Python 3.2.3
Qt 4.8.1
PyQt 4.9.1
QScintilla 2.6.1

Python from Scratch


Virtualization, in computing, is a term that refers to the various techniques, methods or approaches of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a virtual hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or network resources. Hardware virtualization or platform virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like […]

Virtualization, in computing, is a term that refers to the various techniques, methods or approaches of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a virtual hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or network resources.

Hardware virtualization or platform virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real computer with an operating system. Software executed on these virtual machines is separated from the underlying hardware resources. For example, a computer that is running Microsoft Windows may host a virtual machine that looks like a computer with the Ubuntu Linux operating system; Ubuntu-based software can be run on the virtual machine.[1][2]

In hardware virtualization, the host machine is the actual machine on which the virtualization takes place, and the guest machine is the virtual machine. The words host and guest are used to distinguish the software that runs on the physical machine from the software that runs on the virtual machine. The software or firmware that creates a virtual machine on the host hardware is called a hypervisor or Virtual Machine Manager.

Different types of hardware virtualization include:

  1. Full virtualization: Almost complete simulation of the actual hardware to allow software, which typically consists of a guest operating system, to run unmodified.
  2. Partial virtualization: Some but not all of the target environment is simulated. Some guest programs, therefore, may need modifications to run in this virtual environment.
  3. Paravirtualization: A hardware environment is not simulated; however, the guest programs are executed in their own isolated domains, as if they are running on a separate system. Guest programs need to be specifically modified to run in this environment.

Hardware-assisted virtualization is a way of improving the efficiency of hardware virtualization. It involves employing specially designed CPUs and hardware components that help improve the performance of a guest environment.

Hardware virtualization can be viewed as part of an overall trend in enterprise IT that includes autonomic computing, a scenario in which the IT environment will be able to manage itself based on perceived activity, and utility computing, in which computer processing power is seen as a utility that clients can pay for only as needed. The usual goal of virtualization is to centralize administrative tasks while improving scalability and overall hardware-resource utilization. With virtualization, several operating systems can be run in parallel on a single central processing unit (CPU). This parallelism tends to reduce overhead costs and differs from multitasking, which involves running several programs on the same OS. Using virtualization, an enterprise can better manage updates and rapid changes to the operating system and applications without disrupting the user. “Ultimately, virtualization dramatically improves the efficiency and availability of resources and applications in an organization. Instead of relying on the old model of “one server, one application” that leads to under utilized resource, virtual resources are dynamically applied to meet business needs without any excess fat” (ConsonusTech).

Hardware virtualization is not the same as hardware emulation. In hardware emulation, a piece of hardware imitates another, while in hardware virtualization, a hypervisor (a piece of software) imitates a particular piece of computer hardware or the entire computer. Furthermore, a hypervisor is not the same as an emulator; both are computer programs that imitate hardware, but their domain of use in language differs.

VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use.

For a thorough introduction to virtualization and VirtualBox, please refer to the online version of the VirtualBox User Manual’s first chapter.

Why does HP recommend that I keep Hardware Virtualization off?

There are several attack vectors from bad drivers that can utilize VT extensions to do potentially bad things. that’s why the setting is usually in the “security” section of your BIOS UI.

additionally the smaller your instruction set, the more efficient the CPU runs at a very very low level (hence last decades interest in RISC chips). having it disabled allows the CPU to cache fewer instructions and search the cache faster.


So is there a security risk to enabling AMD-V? – Rocket Hazmat Feb 1 at 16:21
yes. Installing drivers and other very-low-level software is always risky, so its probably no more risky that grabbing a driver off a non-official download site. the big difference is that a blue-pill exploit could allow a guest to affect the host and vice-verse, which should really never be true. – Frank Thomas Feb 1 at 16:37
I disagree saying there is a security risk by enabling AMD-V. Doing a quick search on “AMD-V security” results in NO results on the first page about a security vulnerability that says a great deal. – Ramhound Feb 1 at 16:46
So, it’s off by default, because there are rootkits that pretend to by hypervisors? Guess I just gotta be careful what I download! :-) – Rocket Hazmat Feb 1 at 16:49

Blue Pill is the codename for a rootkit based on x86 virtualization. Blue Pill originally required AMD-V (Pacifica) virtualization support, but was later ported to support Intel VT-x (Vanderpool) as well. It was designed by Joanna Rutkowska and originally demonstrated at the Black Hat Briefings on August 3, 2006, with a reference implementation for the Microsoft Windows Vista kernel.

web servers

Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd December 6, 2010 By Eric Geier By Eric Geier Here are six different web servers freely provided by the open source community for Linux, Windows, and other OSs: Apache HTTP Server Initially released in 1995, this is the most popular web server across the entire World Wide Web, currently used by around […]

Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd

  • December 6, 2010
  • By Eric Geier

By Eric Geier

Here are six different web servers freely provided by the open source community for Linux, Windows, and other OSs:

Apache HTTP Server

Initially released in 1995, this is the most popular web server across the entire World Wide Web, currently used by around 60% of web domains. Its released under an Apache License, which requires preservation of the copyright notices and disclaimers, but doesn’t require modified versions to be distributed using the same license. Though most prevalent on Unix-like operating system, it also runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and others.

Common languages supported by the Apache server include Perl, Python, Tcl, and PHP. The core functionality of the server can be extended with modules to add server-side programming language support, authentication schemes, and other features. Popular authentication modules include mod_access, mod_auth, mod_digest, and mod_auth_digest. Modules are also available for SSL/TLS support (mod_ssl), proxying (mod_proxy), URL rewriting (mod_rewrite), custom logging (mod_log_config), and filtering support (mod_include and mod_ext_filter).

When searching the web you’ll find an endless slew of distributions and packages containing the Apache HTTP server along with other web applications, such as MySQL and PHP, for Linux, Windows, and other OSs. These can make it much easier to install and deploy a feature-rich web server.


Nginx (pronounced “engine X”) is the second most popular open source web server currently on the Internet. Though development only started in 2002, its currently used by over 6% of web domains. It is a lightweight HTTP server, and can also serve as a reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server. It’s licensed under a BSD-like license. It runs on UNIX, GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows.

Nginx was built with performance in mind, in particular to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously. Instead of using threads to handle requests, like traditional servers, Nginx uses an event-driven (asynchronous) architecture. Its more scalable and uses less, and more predictable, amounts of memory. In addition to the basic HTTP features, Nginx also supports name-based and IP-based virtual servers, keep-alive and pipelined connections, and FLV streaming. It can also be reconfigured and upgraded online without interruption of the client processing.


Lighttpd (pronounced “lighty”) is the third most popular open source web server. This lightweight server was initially released in 2003 and currently serves less than 1% of web domains. It’s licensed under a revised BSD license and runs on Unix and Linux.

Like nginux, lighttpd is a lightweight server built for performance with a goal of handling ten thousand clients simultaneously. It also uses an event-driven (asynchronous) architecture.


Cherokee is a full-featured web server with a user friendly configuration GUI, just released in 2010 under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It runs on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Cherokee supports the popular technologies, such as FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, CGI, SSI, and TLS/SSL. It also features virtual host capability, authentication, load balancing, and Apache compatible log files. Plus there are some neat features, such as zero downtime updates where configuration changes can be applied with no restart required and secure downloads with temporal URL generation.

HTTP Explorer

HTTP Explorer is a web server specially designed to serve files over the HTTP protocol. It was released in 2006 under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Its available for Windows in many different languages as a full installation or binary-only.

This server makes it easy to share your photos, music, videos and other files. Using the server application, you can select folders and files to share. You can define user accounts and permissions. Shared files can be access and viewed via the web interface; no client application is required. Photos are automatically shown with thumbnails and music can be played with the integrated player.

HFS HTTP File Server

The HFS web server is for serving files, similar to HTTP Explorer but with a simpler web interface. It was released in 2009 under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It’s a single executable file that can run on 32bit-versions of Windows and in Linux with Wine.

The HFS server lets you and/or your friends easily send, receive, and remotely access files over the web. Files can be downloaded and uploaded to and from the server via the web interface, in addition to using the server application. It’s customizable and features a user account authentication, virtual file system, HTML template, bandwidth controls, logs, and a dynamic DNS updater.

Eric Geier is the founder of NoWiresSecurity, which helps businesses easily protect their Wi-Fi networks with the Enterprise mode of WPA/WPA2 encryption by offering an outsourced RADIUS service. He is also a freelance tech writer, and has authored many networking and computing books for brands like For Dummies and Cisco Press.

stop a process under Ubuntu

How do I stop a process under Ubuntu Linux using command line and GUI tools? You can use the following tools to stop a process under Ubuntu Linux: System Monitor application – A gui tools displays current active processes. it also provides detailed information about individual processes, and enables you to control active processes i.e. […]

How do I stop a process under Ubuntu Linux using command line and GUI tools?

You can use the following tools to stop a process under Ubuntu Linux:

  1. System Monitor application – A gui tools displays current active processes. it also provides detailed information about individual processes, and enables you to control active processes i.e. kill or end process.
  2. kill command – Send signal to a process such as kill or end a process.
  3. pkill command – Find processes or processes based on name and send end or kill singles to processes.
  4. killall command – Kill processes (including all its children) by name.

Gnome: System Monitor Application To Kill a Process

To start System Monitor GUI, click on System menu > Select Administration > System Monitor. Alternatively, open a command-line terminal (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal), and then type:
$ gnome-system-monitor
Click on Processes Tab:

Fig.01: A list of process  and end Process button

Fig.01: A list of process and end Process button

How Do I End a Process?

  • First select the process that you want to end.
  • Click on the End Process button. You will get a confirmation alert. Click on “End Process” button to confirm that you want to kill the process.
  • This is the simplest way way to stop (end) a process.

kill Command Line Option

You can use the kill command to send a signal to each process specified by a process identifier (PID). The default signal is SIGTERM (15). See the list of common UNIX / Linux signal names and numbers for more information. In this example, ps command is used to find out all running processes in the system:
$ ps aux | grep firefox
To end a process, enter:
$ kill -s 15 PID-HERE
$ kill -s 15 2358

OR send signal 9 (SIGKILL) which is used for forced termination to PID # 3553:
$ kill -9 PID-HERE
$ kill -9 3553

See our previous FAQ “how to kill a process in Linux” for more information.

pkill Command Line Option

The pkill command allows you to kill process by its name, user name, group name, terminal, UID, EUID, and GID. In this example, kill firefox process using pkill command for user vivek as follows:
$ pkill -9 -u vivek firefox

killall Command Line Option

The killall command sends a signal to all processes. To terminate all httpd process (child and parent), enter:
$ sudo killall -9 httpd
$ sudo killall -9 apache2
See sending signal to Processes wiki article for more information.

Disk utilities

EaseUS Disk Copy Home is a free disk/partition clone software for home users only. Regardless of your operating system, file system and partition scheme, through creating a bootable CD it can sector-by-sector copy you disk to assure you a 100% identical copy of the original one. It is a perfect free tool for Data Recovery […]

EaseUS Disk Copy Home is a free disk/partition clone software for home users only. Regardless of your operating system, file system and partition scheme, through creating a bootable CD it can sector-by-sector copy you disk to assure you a 100% identical copy of the original one. It is a perfect free tool for Data Recovery Wizard to recover files from a backup disk.

EaseUS Disk Copy makes it utterly simple to create a bootable disk for your system on a CD or DVD, USB drive, or ISO image file, and use it to copy or clone disk partitions and recover data and partitions from backups, including sector-by-sector copying for total compatibility. With it, you can perform disk operations that usually require more than one drive (even more than one computer), such as recovering a backup of your main drive.

EaseUS Disk Copy is fully portable, so it runs as soon as you click its program file without having to be installed, even from a USB drive or similar device. The program’s disk wizard is a simple dialog box with three choices for creating a bootable drive, with drop-down lists for multiple destinations: USB, CD/DVD, and Export ISO (you browse to select a destination for an ISO file for further use). We inserted a blank DVD-R into our disk tray, and EaseUS Disk Copy’s built-in burning software recognized it. We selected CD/DVD and pressed Proceed. Immediately the software began analyzing our system and burning our bootable drive. The whole process was finished quickly. We removed the disk and labeled it, since a bootable disk you can’t find or identify doesn’t help much when your system is kaput. We reinserted the disk, rebooted out system, accessed the boot menu, and selected CD-ROM. As it should, our system booted to EaseUS Disk Copy’s menu.

At this point we could choose to continue into Disk Copy, boot from the first hard drive, or select an additional partition to boot from (handy for multi-OS systems). We selected Disk Copy, and the program’s disk copying and cloning wizard opened. This wizard walked us through each step of choosing a disk or partition as well as operations and options. The sector-by-sector option takes more time and uses more space, since it creates a one-for-one clone of your disk.

For a simple, free way to create bootable disks to use with backups and to copy your hard drives and partitions, it’s hard to do better than EaseUS Disk Copy.

Read more: EaseUS Disk Copy Home Edition – CNET Download.com http://download.cnet.com/EaseUS-Disk-Copy-Home-Edition/3000-2242_4-10867157.html#ixzz2UcWTJqM0

G4L is a hard disk and partition imaging and cloning tool. The created images are optionally compressed and transferred to an FTP server or cloned locally. CIFS(Windows), SSHFS and NFS support included, and udpcast and fsarchiver options. .
GPT partition support was added in version 0.41.

Backing up Windows partitions requires the use of a bootable G4L CD or running g4l via grub4dos..

G4L Web Site›

Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to Norton Ghost®. It saves and restores only used blocks in hard drive. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (Server Edition).

Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) is free erasure software designed for consumer use. DBAN users should be aware of some product limitations, including:
•No guarantee that data is removed
•Limited hardware support (e.g. no RAID dismantling)
•No customer support

DBAN is a self-contained boot disk that automatically deletes the contents of any hard disk that it can detect. This method can help prevent identity theft before recycling a computer. It is also a solution commonly used to remove viruses and spyware from Microsoft Windows installations. DBAN prevents all known techniques of hard disk forensic analysis. It does not provide users with a proof of erasure, such as an audit-ready erasure report.

Professional data erasure tools are recommended for company and organizational users. For secure data erasure with audit-ready reporting, contact Blancco or download a free evaluation license.

Unlocker Portable 1.9.0

File eraser,a freeware to delete stubborn files easily, kill stubborn files.


  • Ever had such an annoying message given by Windows?

It has many other flavors:

Cannot delete file: Access is denied
There has been a sharing violation.
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.


General packet radio service (GPRS)

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a very widely-deployed wireless data service, available now with most GSM networks. GPRS offers throughput rates of up to 40 kbps, enabling mobile handsets to access online services at a similar speed to a dial-up modem, but with the convenience of being able to connect from almost anywhere. GPRS […]

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a very widely-deployed wireless data service, available now with most GSM networks.

GPRS offers throughput rates of up to 40 kbps, enabling mobile handsets to access online services at a similar speed to a dial-up modem, but with the convenience of being able to connect from almost anywhere.

GPRS enables people to enjoy advanced, feature-rich data services, such as e-mail on the move, multimedia messages, social networking and location-based services.

General packet radio service (GPRS) is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system’s global system for mobile communications (GSM). GPRS was originally standardized by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in response to the earlier CDPD and i-mode packet-switched cellular technologies. It is now maintained by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).[1][2]

GPRS usage is typically charged based on volume of data transferred, contrasting with circuit switched data, which is usually billed per minute of connection time. 5 GB per month for a fixed fee or on a pay-as-you-use basis. Usage above the bundle cap is either charged per megabyte or disallowed.

GPRS is a best-effort service, implying variable throughput and latency that depend on the number of other users sharing the service concurrently, as opposed to circuit switching, where a certain quality of service (QoS) is guaranteed during the connection. In 2G systems, GPRS provides data rates of 56–114 kbit/second.[3] 2G cellular technology combined with GPRS is sometimes described as 2.5G, that is, a technology between the second (2G) and third (3G) generations of mobile telephony.[4] It provides moderate-speed data transfer, by using unused time division multiple access (TDMA) channels in, for example, the GSM system. GPRS is integrated into GSM Release 97 and newer releases.